Showing posts with label AEM 6.5. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AEM 6.5. Show all posts

Saturday, 13 June 2020

Configure the https(SSL) on AEM instance quickly

There are cases where during development we may need to setup https connection in our existing AEM instance.

By following procedure we can have both http and https on same AEM instance. This is very helpful while testing some of the AEM features which require SSL connections.

To start with, we need keys and certificates to configure SSL on AEM. We will use OpenSSL to set up keys and certificates. The method is tested on window, but should work on any other OS seamless way.

How to setup OpenSSL on Windows

  • Download OpenSSL from any URL - Ensure its relevant to your OS (including 86 Vs 64 Bit)
  • Unzip it.
  • Set the classpath

  • place the conf file in below path (Else you may get an error that openSSL conf cannot be found)

Now the OpenSSL is configured on your windows
  • Using command prompt execute below commands

### Create Private Key
$ openssl genrsa -aes256 -out localhostprivate.key 4096

### Generate Certificate Signing Request using private key
$ openssl req -sha256 -new -key localhostprivate.key -out localhost.csr -subj "/CN=localhost"

### Generate the SSL certificate and sign with the private key, will expire one year from now
$ openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in localhost.csr -signkey localhostprivate.key -out localhost.crt

### Convert Private Key to DER format - SSL wizard requires key to be in DER format
$ openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform DER -in localhostprivate.key -out localhostprivate.der -nocrypt

You will have the certificates now in local drive as shown below.

Use the SSL Wizard in AEM

Now login to AEM

Tools > Security > SSL Configuration

For store credentials provide the Key store and Trust store password. [I have used admin for all, since its a localhost]

Monday, 20 May 2019

Storage concepts in AEM 6.5

AEM server holds both content and binary data. For a better deployment isolation and organizing data considering performance and scalability of AEM, the binary data(for eg media files) can be stored independently from the content nodes by configuring it.

Generally binary data is stored in a data store, whereas content nodes are stored in a node store. Both 'data stores' and 'node stores' can be configured by updating persistent identifier (PID) in OSGi configuration.

Say when we are working with large number of binaries, Adobe recommends to use an external data store instead of the default node stores. This provides better performance.

The external data store can be File Data Store, Amazon S3 Data Store, Azure Data Store which works well when we need to store binaries like media files.

Node store can be of two types 'Segment Node' Store & 'Document node' store. Segment node store is the basis of Adobe's TarMK implementation & document node store is the basis of AEM's MongoMK implementation in AEM6x.

Configuration PID's for each storage types are given below.

Document node store

Segment Node Store

File Data Store

Amazon S3 Data Store
org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.blob.datastore.S3DataStore.config PID

Azure Data Store

Summary: Thus by selecting the recommended configurations based on requirement, we can achieve a high performing AEM instance.

Note: The concepts are same for all AEM 6x versions, except a few minor configuration changes.

More Like This:

AEM 6.5 Site related new features

AEM 6.5 Specific new features in Assets section

New Features in AEM 6.5 Forms

Foundation updates in AEM 6.5 which a developer should be aware of

Cloud Manager for AEM 6.5 New features

Storage concepts in AEM 6.5   

HTML Template language updates which needs to be observed with AEM 6.5

HTML Template language updates which needs to be observed with AEM 6.5

HTML Template language updates which needs to be observed with AEM 6.5

While working on AEM 6.5, we can use a set of new HTL Features which are listed below.

1) There is  a new operator 'in' which helps to check availability of an item in strings, arrays and objects.

${'c' in 'abc'}
${10 in myArray}
${'b' in myObject}

2) A new data-sly-set to define variables in HTL

<sly data-sly-set.title="${currentPage.description}"/>${description}

3) More control for the list iteration using parameters 'begin,step,end'

<h2 data-sly-repeat = "${currentPage.listChildren @ begin =1 , step =2 }"> ${item.title} </h2>

4) data-sly-unwrap improvement with identifiers

<div data-sly-unwrap.isUnwrapped="${myFirstCondition || mySecondCondition}">
text <span data-sly-test = "${isUnwrapped}"> is unwrapped </span>

5) Now htl supports negative numbers
So while working with AEM 6.5 , dont forget to utilise this improvements as part of HTL development.

Demo of the new HTL features: 


Sample Code given below,


<!DOCTYPE html>
<!--/* Calling the server-side JS script for all view logic that Sightly cannot do */-->
<html data-sly-use.logic="logic.js">
    <!--/* Expressions allow to easily output variables */-->
    <meta charset="utf-8">
        <!--/* To allow some HTML, use the following context option */-->
        <p>${properties.jcr:description @ context='html'}</p>
        ${'a' in logic.myObject}
        ${10 in logic.myArray}
        ${'d' in logic.myString}
        <div data-sly-unwrap.isUnwrapped= "${'d' in logic.myObject }">
            text <span data-sly-test = "${isUnwrapped}"> is unwrapped </span>
        <p data-sly-use.logic="logic.js" data-sly-unwrap>#### World</p>
        <!--/* Iterating over any collection or iterable is easy */-->
        <ul data-sly-list="${logic.myPage.listChildren @ begin =2 , step =1}">
            <li><a href="${item.path}.html">${item.title}</a></li>
            <ul data-sly-list="${logic.myPage.listChildren}">
                <li> ${item.title} </li>

        use(function () {
        myString: "abcd",
        myArray: [10,100,1000],
        myObject: {
        a: "Hello",
        b: "World"
        myPage: pageManager.getPage('/content/we-retail/us/en')

More Like This:

AEM 6.5 Site related new features

AEM 6.5 Specific new features in Assets section

New Features in AEM 6.5 Forms

Foundation updates in AEM 6.5 which a developer should be aware of

Cloud Manager for AEM 6.5 New features

Storage concepts in AEM 6.5   

HTML Template language updates which needs to be observed with AEM 6.5

Wednesday, 24 April 2019

What is Assets HTTP API?

We know that AEM Supports 3 ways of headless delivery in JSON format.

1) Content Services
2) Assets HTTP API
3) Custom Sling Model Exporter

The Assets HTTP API exposes folders and assets from AEM to external world over Restful HTTP APIs.

The API is exposed at http://[server:port]/api/assets and allows all CRUD operations on Assets, including binary, metadata, renditions, and comments.

At present the Assets HTTP API supports the following operations:
  • Retrieve a folder listing
  • Create a folder
  • Create an asset
  • Update asset binary
  • Update asset metadata
  • Create an asset rendition
  • Update an asset rendition
  • Create an asset comment
  • Copy a folder or asset
  • Move a folder or asset
  • Delete a folder, asset, or rendition

Note: Ensure the property 'Filter Methods' l: POST, PUT, DELETE are selected at location > system/console/configMgr>'Adobe Granite CSRF Filter'.

Monday, 8 April 2019

Making SPA's(Single Page Applications) SEO(Search Engine Optimized) Friendly in AEM

AEM now supports SPA SDKs which helps to create Single Page Applications using Angular and React JS. A Single Page Application is a java script code which injects new content from a server into a page without the entire page getting reloaded in the browser. This gives the advantage of faster loading websites.

If we dont take care of SEO from beginning, we may have to put extra efforts to go back and fix the indexing issues later.

Why indexing required?

User comes to the site through various search engines and indexing site pages with this search engines are one of the major task during project implementation.

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization is the way which the search engine find the content in a website and index it. We need to ensure our site pages are SEO friendly by following SEO Guidelines. Every search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo having their own bots to crawl the site content.

This post is written considering the users are having a basic understanding about SEO technology.

Why SPA is not readily SEO Friendly?

The advantage of SPA is, they can even update entire pages or part of the page without making another request to the server or even changing the URL. In this case an entire HTML is not getting rendered. AJAX calls are used to load parts of the page using JSON snippets. SEO expects a fully built page for indexing.

Methods to make SPA s SEO Friendly

Below given some of the methods identified to make SPA pages SEO friendly. This solely depends on the usecase too.

Pretty URLs: Never use 'hashes' in URL's. Always go for SEO friendly pretty URL's instead.

Canonical URL's: 
Here a complete duplicate site would be created within the same url to ensure that crawlers would index the site pages properly.

Pre-rendering: In this scenario, we can run the app before deploying it, capture the page output and replace all HTML files with the captured output. Typically this is achieved with a headless browser (For e.g. Firefox Headless Mode, PhantomJS etc). Pre-rendering is a good choice because there is no additional server load, and therefore faster and cheaper than server side rendering.

Server-Side Rendering (SSR): In this case, pages that display constantly changing data which must be loaded dynamically at load time, or for pages that have user-specific content. Note here, Server hosting the website should have Node enabled to implement server side rendering.

HTML pushState: HTML 5 provides a History API called 'Push State'. The pushState method takes three arguments, a data 'state' object, a 'title' string, and a 'url'. When the pushState method is called, the url which is passed to it will appear in the browsers url window. This method can be used as an alternate indexing options for the SPA pages.

What are all the new features of AEM 6.5?

Below given the further details about new features.
AEM 6.5 Site related new features

AEM 6.5 Specific new features in Assets section

New Features in AEM 6.5 Forms

Foundation updates in AEM 6.5 which a developer should be aware of

Cloud Manager for AEM 6.5 New features

Monday, 1 April 2019

Cloud Manager for AEM New features

Below given the major new features in AEM cloud manager released in January 2019

1) CI/CD Pipeline Enhancements

- Ability to schedule deployment trigger
- API integration through Adobe I/O
- Code quality check on non -production pipeline
- Creation of additional non -production pipeline

2) Reporting Dashboard
- Monitoring interactive dashboard, including visibility into
    i) basic system metrics
    ii) SLA reports
    iii) Security health status

3) Release Upgrades
- Evaluation of current code complexity
- Remediation through sandbox environment prior to upgrade
- Execution through blue-green deployment
What are all the new features of AEM 6.5?

Below given the further details about new features.
AEM 6.5 Site related new features

AEM 6.5 Specific new features in Assets section

New Features in AEM 6.5 Forms

Foundation updates in AEM 6.5 which a developer should be aware of

Cloud Manager for AEM 6.5 New features

Foundation updates in AEM 6.5 which a developer should be aware of

AEM 6.5 is going to be released on 8th April 2019 for general public.


AEM 6.5 - Java 11 Support

- New support for the Oracle JDK 11 "Long Term Support" releases (LTS)
- Oracle JDK Java 8 releases are also supported (LTS)
- Java 9, Java 10 and future non - LTS releases are not supported

AEM 6.5 Permission Management

- New permission management user interface for a consistent and simplified user experience
- Consolidated features previously distributed across multiple places (CRXDE Lite, User Admin, CRX Explorer)
- Simplified and advanced views
- Principal and repository views.

AEM 6.5 New Features Video

What are all the new features of AEM 6.5?

Below given the further details about new features.
AEM 6.5 Site related new features

AEM 6.5 Specific new features in Assets section

New Features in AEM 6.5 Forms

Foundation updates in AEM 6.5 which a developer should be aware of

Cloud Manager for AEM 6.5 New features

Storage concepts in AEM 6.5   

HTML Template language updates which needs to be observed with AEM 6.5

New Features in AEM 6.5 Forms

In this blog, we will understand about the latest features as part of AEM 6.5 forms

AEM 6.5 Forms are built with consideration of,  Mobile First Forms & Personalized Correspondence.

- Support new use cases with interactive communications
- OOTB Forms components for AEM Sites SPA
- Simplified OSGI workflow authoring
- Enhanced Adobe Sign integration

AEM Forms 6.5 - Output & Customer Communications
->Additional Capabilities to support new use cases are given below,

- Support for new layout and templates
- Introduction of new charting styles to address new wealth management use cases
- Auto generate web channel to retain Print Channel layouts
- Usability Enhancements , Drag and drop from FDM tree to bind variables and fields.

AEM Forms 6.5 - Simplified Workflow Authoring
-> Support for variables and re-usability of workflows

- Simplified Debugging with standardized workflow logs
- Support for custom data types in meta data
- Reduce dependency on ECMA scripts and manually populate meta data across workflow steps
- Introduction of an OOTB ability to declare variables/ meta data upfront and read and populate them across workflow steps
- Increased re-usability of workflows via invocation using multiple forms.

AEM Forms 6.5 - Enhanced Forms and Adobe Sign Integration
-> Support for cloud signatures in Adaptive Forms

- Enables compliance with most rigorous legal and regulatory requirements.
- Signing using Digital ID's based on PKI infrastructure based digital certificates

AEM Forms 6.5 - Embed Forms and Documents in AEM Sites SPA
->Embed Adaptive Forms and interactive Communications web channel in SPA based AEM Sites

- Offer compelling experiences to website users through Single Page Applications
- OOTB components o embed online forms and documents in SPA Sites.
- Aligns with AEM sites framework to support SPA based sites.

What are all the new features of AEM 6.5?

Below given the further details about new features.
AEM 6.5 Site related new features

AEM 6.5 Specific new features in Assets section

New Features in AEM 6.5 Forms

Foundation updates in AEM 6.5 which a developer should be aware of

Cloud Manager for AEM 6.5 New features

AEM 6.5 Specific new features in Assets section

Let us see the assets specific new features in AEM 6.5

AEM Assets 6.5 - Adobe Asset Link

-> The new and improved Adobe Asset Link helps to discover , use and edit assets from AEM directly within Creative Cloud desktop apps.

- We can place assets in your designs, download a copy
- Add new assets to AEM directly from CC apps
- Search AEM Assets & CC Assets, access collections, preview assets & Basic metadata directly from CC apps - PS , ID, AI
- Check out. in assets stored in AEM assets directly from PS, ID and AI into CC Assets
- Keep work in progress assets and final production assets in separate locations
- Single Sign On with your Creative Cloud SSO credentials for access to digital assets from AEM Assets

AEM Assets 6.5 - AEM Desktop App Update
-> Open and edit any asset type in any desktop application (Including non- Adobe assets)

- Search for assets directly from the desktop app and find them
- Preview assets and open them in the associated desktop application
- Browse assets from AEM in a dedicated desktop app built- in browser - limit the need to use Finder/Explorer
- Edit assets locally and upload changes to AEM when done
- Upload files and folder hierarchies to AEM with progress monitoring

AEM Assets 6.5 - Adobe Stock Integration
-> Search and license Adobe Stock assets from AEM UI

- License and save original assets from Adobe Stock to AEM
- Search , preview and save Adobe Stock assets directly from AEM Assets Web UI

AEM Assets 6.5 - Remote DAM for Sites Authoring
This is a very useful feature which was expected from quite long time.

- This helps sites authors to leverage assets from Remote DAM for authoring web pages
- Configure connection with Remote DAM on cloud
- Search seamlessly on Remote DAM from content finder
- Drag & Drop remote assets into local sites page editor like a local asset
- Preview web pages with Remote DAM assets
- Further edit remote DAM assets on Sites instance with a local copy
- Publish pages with remote DAM assets

AEM Assets 6.5 Brand Portal Enhancements:Asset Distribution

- Enhances user reporting (login, share)
- Browse and search enhancements
- File acceleration for downloads
- Guest Access
- Ability to schedule publishing
- Dynamic Media video support
- Configurable URL
- Folder hierarchy support for multi brand, team usage
- Original asset access restrictions
- Additional admin configurations
- Performance enhancements

AEM Assets 6.5 - Brand Portal - Asset Sourcing

- Direct folder share with external agency from DAM
- Upload capability on Brand Portal for sourcing brand, campaign assets from external agencies, teams
- Publish to DAM for review and multi-channel campaign usage
- New contributor role for external agency user persona
- Admin configurations to control upload sizes

AEM Assets 6.5 - User Experience Enhancements

- New permission management tool in touch UI
- Accessibility Enhancements
- Improved bulk operations with 'Select All' Capability

AEM Assets 6.5 Dynamic Search Facets
->There is a new dynamic faceted search for a faster experience

- This feature helps in providing dynamic filters and search results count is provided at filter / facet level

AEM Assets 6.5 - Visual Search
->Adobe Sensei powered search for finding visually similar assets

- Find similar action in card, list and detail view
- Leverage search facets to further refine search results

AEM Assets 6.5 - Dynamic Media + Sensei
->ML/AI Extended to video. This is a notable feature as part of AEM 6.5

- Video Smart Crop - Automatically re-crop a video to new aspect ratios while preserving the points of interest inside that video
- Best Frame Selection- Automatically recommending optimal thumbnails when customers upload a video
- Video Smart Tags - Automatically add suggested tags based on the video's content.

What are all the new features of AEM 6.5?

Below given the further details about new features.
AEM 6.5 Site related new features

AEM 6.5 Specific new features in Assets section

New Features in AEM 6.5 Forms

Foundation updates in AEM 6.5 which a developer should be aware of

Cloud Manager for AEM 6.5 New features

AEM 6.5 Site related new features

Let us see the key features with AEM 6.5 Sites:

AEM is growing and improving as a best hybrid CMS now by providing or sharpening features like content services. AEM 6.5 provides extended support for hybrid Content Services now.

Major site specific features are given below.
  • - Core components - Extensions, Live Coding, Maven Archetype
  • - SPA Integration - support for react & Angular Javascript frameworks
  • - Direct content API - Content Fragments support in Assets HTTP API
  • - Experience Fragment export to Adobe Target

AEM Sites 6.5 - Core components & Maven Archtype
->There are new core components added in AEM 6.5. Creating a new or extending existing site in AEM - with or without SPA JavaScript framework is more flexible now.

- Total 20 easy to style & production ready components that are configurable in Template
- New components added as part of AEM 6.5 are: Teaser, Tab, Carousal & Separator
- The step by step tutorial to get started is now enhanced.
- Added live coding support with

AEM 6.5 Sites - Support for react and Angular - SPA Editor
-> A better experiences built with SPA Javascript frameworks

- SPA Editor for in-context editing, composition, configuration and layout the experiences
- Step - by Step tutorial to learn how to build new or more existing SPA into AEM
- Javascript SDK for React & Angular to annotate existing code to make it work in AEM
- Server side rendering of SPA JS code for accelerated delivery and improved SEO
- New Maven Archetype for headless/SPA projects

AEM Sites 6.5 - Content Fragments in AEM HTTP API
-> Delivery of structured AEM Content over direct content API, which broaden AEM support of headless CMS Scenarios

- Enablement of output in JSON format
- Extension of AEM Assets HTTP API
- HTTP REST API for Content Fragment Delivery (Full CRUD Support Later)
- Bulk delivery of fragment structure and content

AEM Sites 6.5 Content Fragments DIFF View & Annotations
-> Editorial content governance for AEM Content Fragments

- Review content changes in content fragments across versions
i) side-by-side view, accessible in Assets admin Timeline view
ii) Ability to revert to previous version
- Annotate text in content fragment editor
i) View in rich text editing mode as well as editor default view
ii) Also visible in Assets Admin Timeline view

AEM Sites 6.5 - Export Experience Fragments
-> AEM 6.5 provides advanced experience personalization using AEM and Adobe Target with support for hybrid (HTML) and Headless (JSON) scenarios

- Define re-usable experiences in AEM and in Target activities
- Markup delivery by Target, referenced media assets by AEM
- Ability to support Target HTML offers and JSON offers
- Ability to delete Experience Fragments and associated Target offers from within AEM.

AEM Sites 6.5 - New Translation Enhancements
-> Increasing the efficiency of content translation with AEM through automation and improved 3rd party integrations

- Allow translation projects to use AEM Project masters
- Allow updating translated pages with updates in 3rd party Translation Memory
- Allow exporting translation jobs in JSON Format
- Auto approve translation jobs
- Auto - delete translation launches

What are all the new features of AEM 6.5?

Below given the further details about new features.

AEM 6.5 Site related new features

AEM 6.5 Specific new features in Assets section

New Features in AEM 6.5 Forms

Foundation updates in AEM 6.5 which a developer should be aware of

Cloud Manager for AEM 6.5 New features

Tuesday, 4 December 2018

AEM 6.5? Heard about it?

Adobe Experience Manager has releaed AEM 6.5 as part of Adobe Summit 2019( April 2019). Hope you are aware of the news now. AEM 6.5 will be available for general public from April 8 2019.

Yes the fact is that AEM 6.5 was available for Solution partners for the product review till then.

How can I get AEM 6.5 for download?
You need to contact Adobe by registering their website.

When will I get it?
As of now Adobe has invited partners who are interested in testing out new features of AEM 6.5 So we need to wait for further communication.

What are all the new features of AEM 6.5?

Below given the further details about new features.

AEM 6.5 Site related new features

AEM 6.5 Specific new features in Assets section

New Features in AEM 6.5 Forms

Foundation updates in AEM 6.5 which a developer should be aware of

Cloud Manager for AEM 6.5 New features

AEM 6.5 New Features