CQ/AEM Run modes

1 Author
2 publish
default is always author
AEM - CQ Ports:
Default port of AEM is 4502,if this port is not available its next look up ports as 8080,8081...
AEM installation first time takes more time:
This is the time all set up is done in system level. All packages, jar files, lucene, webserver etc installed during this time.
Accessing AEM Main console:
CRX interface:
Felix console:
IDE's for CQ- AEM

1 Author
2 publish
default is always author
AEM - CQ Ports:
Default port of AEM is 4502,if this port is not available its next look up ports as 8080,8081...
AEM installation first time takes more time:
This is the time all set up is done in system level. All packages, jar files, lucene, webserver etc installed during this time.
Accessing AEM Main console:
CRX interface:
Felix console:
IDE's for CQ- AEM
- CRXDE Lite- browser based
http://localhost:4505/crx/de or http://localhost:4505/crxde
Limitations of CRXDE Lite:
Limitations of CRXDE Lite:
- You cannot debug JSP/Java code
- No Auto code completion
- CRXDE Eclipse
Below given the image of CRXDE once loaded first time. It contains 3 folders by default.
- apps
- etc
- libs.
Configuring CRXDE to add more directories can be done at below location
/etc/crxde/profiles/default -> crxde:paths -> To add new directories, add required directories here as shown.
Directory structure CRX
content dir-all contents like page,
tmp-file moved from desktop to cq will be placed first in tmp
Home- All created user & groups are stored in home directory
apps- ALL new CQ apps/projects created here
etc- all website design, client lib, css, js
lib- code of the core functionality
var- all auditing info stored here like adding page, deleting page etc. all user compiled class files are cached here
jcr:System- version contents stored here
rep:policy,rep:repoPolicy- repository level permission(users & groups) are stored here
bin- to deploy our custom servlets.
Read More:
Solr and AEM
JSON for Solr
Search Persistance
Navigation in AEM
Website design steps in AEM