Showing posts with label AEM Replication agents. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AEM Replication agents. Show all posts

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Replication agents & DAM

Replication agents:
They help to publish the content. Replication agents are mapped to publication. So when we need more than one publish environment, we need replication agents for each one.
Access replication agents through Tools>Replication

Publish flow:

Once site is developed it should be activated by going website> activate
It send alert to replication agent, the request will be put in a queue will be formed for it.
We can restrict continuous attempts of publish through Agents>Setting>Extended> connect time out.
On modification - helps to publish a page immediately after modification
Activating (publishing) more pages together in AEM/Adobe cq
Access replication tree using below url.
Now activate more pages by selecting pages or entire directory.
How to publish a Component immediate after creation or modification?
Push component to publish through Crxde lite by selecting component, then go to replication tab, click on replicate. This will send component immediately to publish.

We have manual way of publishing through build bundle-> install to publish environment. Easier solution to publish content is,we can use direct replicate for the package. For this ensure you configured replication agents.

Thumbnails are created automatically in DAM because it is defined default by Adobe in workflow:
http://localhost:4505/cf#/etc/workflow/models/dam/update_asset.html : step> Thumbnail creation
Use sidekick > DAM workflow to create dam related workflows.
All items we uploaded can be seen in CRXDE through http://localhost:4505/crx/de/index.jsp#/content/dam
References section gives the list of all references from pages for an image. Double click on image and see right top (renditions,versions,references)
Change admin or author passwords:
http://localhost:4505/crx/explorer/index.jsp > 'Content explorer' opens below url
Security > change password.
http://localhost:4505/crx/explorer/index.jsp > 'User Administration' opens below url
Select a>admin>change password
Create or delete users canbe done through http://localhost:4505/useradmin.
All users’ preferences can be done through above url.

OSGi component Vs CQ component:
OSGI-Backend part- business component;
CQ-front end part
OSGI bundle can have many no of osgi components and each component can have many services.

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Debug mode:
In start.bat > CQ_JVM_OPTS parameters : add>
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