Tuesday, 10 June 2014

AEM/CQ Internalization

Internalization for content authoring

Assists author in his own language preference. Use i18n to specify the internationalization. iso code(fr,de,enetc) of the langue to be used for each node specific to each language
How to create internationalization for a project in AEM?
Follow below steps to create internationalization.
·         Create language folder using sling:Folder,
·         add property jcr:language with iso specification (jcr:language : en)
·         Add mixing

Translator: http://localhost:4505/libs/cq/i18n/translator.html
By Above tool/URL we can add new language internationalization messages. Click on 'Add' and enter fields and submit.
Admin/User language settings in AEM
Changing admin level language can be done through Administrator (right top) -> preferences->Language

Backups & restore CQ files

AEM provide online & offline backups.
Online:Online method creates a backup of the entire repository, including CQ5. We can perform this method while the repository is in use.
Offline:Creates a backup of the CRX repository files including all of the information stored in CRX, so you can restore the exact state of the repository during backup.
Also incremental so it updates only next day components to backup.

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Search, Persistance Manager in AEM/CQ

There are two supported query languages in AEM
  • SQL2
Accessing query browser
Tools>Query open query browser

Readable: http://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/querying-experience-manager-data-using1.html

To read on integrating CQ with Solr search, visit blog: Integrating AEM/ CQ with Solr search

Persistence manager:
Persistence manager helps to save the repository content to a permanent storage solution, such as the file system or a database.
All content is stored in file system in form of tar file at below location.
Location of persistence manager
AEM/CQ install directory-> Author->crx-quickstart->repository->workspaces->crx.default->data_00000.tar
Configuring/modifying the persistence manager location/type
Default tar is <PersistenceManager class="com.day.crx.persistence.tar.TarPersistenceManager"/>
AEM/CQ install directory-> Author->crx-quickstart->repository->repository.xml
MySQL Persistence Manager: Stores the workspace content in a MySQL database.       

<PersistenceManager class="org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.bundle.MySqlPersistenceManager">
<param name="driver" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"/>
<param name="url" value="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/crx"/>
<param name="user" value="userid"/>
<param name="password" value="password"/>

Backups & restore CQ files

AEM provide online & offline backups.
Online:Online method creates a backup of the entire repository, including CQ5. We can perform this method while the repository is in use.
Offline:Creates a backup of the CRX repository files including all of the information stored in CRX, so you can restore the exact state of the repository during backup.
Also incremental so it updates only next day components to backup.

Read More: 
Solr and AEM
JSON for Solr
Search Persistance
Navigation in AEM
Website design steps in AEM

Navigation API's, Client Library: in AEM CQ

Navigation:Creates a new navigation object.
Navigation API's:
getAbsoluteParent(2)- to get parent page
listChildren- list all children
Pagefilter- to exclude all invalid pages (pages hidden from navigation)

Below given sample code shows how a navigation element can be created.

navigation component.

navigation component

%><%@include file="/libs/foundation/global.jsp"%><%
<%@ page import="java.util.Iterator,
org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils" %>
<%@page session="false" %><%
            // TODO add you code here


    Page navRootPage = currentPage.getAbsoluteParent(2);

if(navRootPage != null){
Iterator<Page> children = navRootPage.listChildren(new PageFilter(request));
    Page child = children.next();
<a href="<%=child.getPath()%>.html">
<%= StringEscapeUtils.escapeXML(child.getTitle())%>



Client Library:cq:ClientLibraryFolder
The Client Library (ClientLib) in Adobe AEM makes it easy to include client libraries(files like js or css) by category and each can be accessed through dependencies.
It can be created under etc>clientlibs or design/project folder.

Read More: 
Solr and AEM
JSON for Solr
Search Persistance
Navigation in AEM

Website design steps in AEM